- to prepare efficient, competed, commited teacher educators, administrators & researchers who can add new colors to the educational scenario of the nation.
- to provide opportunities abd faclilities to the trainees for their over all development.
- to develop senstivity towards day by day growing and emerging new issues in this changing global scenario.
- to create awareness among thje trainees about the latest and ultra modern trends in education.
- to undertake quality based research project studies, consultancy and training programme for fruitful outcome
- to shape the trainees to an innovative, creative personalitie and integrating their potentalities abilities by providing them a holistic & multi dimensional atmosphere.
- to provide competent and well qualified faculty to enhance the creative & innovative attitude of the trainees.
- to enrich the scholars updating them with ultra modern technique, the knowledge of their curriculum through classroom lectures,workshops, seminars, extension lectures, expert lectures, group discussion,special talks on difficult area topics, library, reading room and through different laboratories
- to motivate and provide the best research opportunities which will prove boom for bringing about enhancement in teaching learning process.
- to make available various professional trainings relate dwith teacher education.
- to link out the scholar trainees with pragmatic skills & pedagogy useful & fruitful with current need of the nation by providing the trainees with national & international prominent practicals & journals.